OLHC News Issue 30 Term 4 Week 2 - 13th October 2023
Statement of Commitment to the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples...
Principal Report
School Wide Positive Behaviour
Murtoa Show Results
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
CEP Performance 'Music in My Suitcase'
Prep Information Night at Our Lady's
Transition - Forward to Foundation
Important Upcoming Dates:
Uniform Reminder
Mass Times & Parish Information
Calendar Dates
Statement of Commitment to the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples...
Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School acknowledges that God has been walking with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, making God's presence known through a continuous living culture over many thousands of years. We pray in thanksgiving for these ancient peoples who have enriched and sustained our continent over all that time. In particular, we praise God for the people who nurtured the lands where our schools are built and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families who continue to support Catholic schools.
As partners in Catholic Education and open to God’s presence, we pursue the fullness of life for all. Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School is committed to the safety and well-being of all students.
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Victoria and pay respect to the ongoing living cultures of First Peoples. This newsletter comes to you from the lands of the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia, and Jupagalk Nations.
Principal Report
Dear Parents and Friends of Our Lady's,
It is such a thrill to walk into school and see the art and craft work returned from the Show on display! I am reminded every day that we have such talented and joy-filled students who are making the most of their opportunities in Murtoa.
There was a second exciting thing that greeted me in my office this week. A box of books (class sets to be more specific) arrived for both our junior and senior classes. Our wonderful librarian has cataloged, protected, and stamped all the books and they are ready to go for whole-class reading and discussion. I won't tell the titles now, choosing instead to let the children share what they are reading with their teachers and peers next week. CS Lewis said he couldn't find a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit him. It's my hope that the addition of good reading with good friends to the weekly class timetable will arouse similar sentiments in our students and will promote a life long love of literature.
Our focus for positive behaviour in Term 4 is classroom routines. As I have said before, our core buisness at OLHC is teaching and learning. Positive classroom behaviour makes that core business possible by enhancing engagement and reducing disruptions. Simple things, like entering and exiting calmly, raising hands, listening carefully to instructions, and respecting everyone's right to learn, will help us to achieve our aim of well-ordered and dynamic classrooms.
When students depart from expected norms, we want to correct them to ensure they are learning, their teacher is able to teach, and their peers are not adversely affected. When a student misbehaves, we are using a process to correct them that I believe is both fair and appropriate. The process involves two clear warnings delivered in a warm but strict manner, followed by final correction and a small consequence. The consequence students receive is a few minutes off their break time to reflect on their behaviour and fill out a reflection sheet. Students must write in simple terms what they did, who it affected, and what they will do next time. We send that reflection home for parents to sign so that the cooperation between home and school is strengthened.
I intend on developing this process and focus in the pages of our newsletter in the weeks to come, but invite any parent who wishes to discuss the matter to reach out for a conversation.
All the very best,
Chris McCumstie
School Wide Positive Behaviour
Education is not only about the intellectual or academic instruction we give to students. It is also about the cooperation between the home and the school in the formation of our students' character. Each week we would like to share with the parent body our school-wide behaviour focus, so that parents and caregivers know what we are working on at school and can make similar efforts in the home. We want to form well-rounded, polite, hard-working students who are filled with joy and who get the most out of their time at school. This requires positive reinforcement of good behaviours, and gentle correction or redirection when expected behaviours are not evident.
For Term 4, our focus will be CLASSROOM behaviours.
These include:
- entering and exiting in an orderly way
- moving about the room sensibly
- focusing on school work and aiming to achieve the best standard
- listening and looking at others when they speak
- following the instructions of teachers straight away
- helping others in need
We will have more to say on these and other classroom expectations in the coming weeks.
There will always be times when our students depart from these expectations, but so long as we are united in our efforts to build up the character of our students, we can hope to see progress and the formation of good habits.
Murtoa Show Results
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
- Friday, 20th October 2023
- 10.30am
- Horsham Town Hall
- No cost
- Transport - Mel Boschen's bus
- Permission Form on Simon
CEP Performance 'Music in My Suitcase'
Monday, 23rd October, students will be attending the final CEP Performance for 2023 - 'Music in My Suitcase'.
- Monday 23rd October 2023
- 12.00 noon
- Warracknabeal Gym
- Transport - Bus Travel
- Cost $8.00 per student
- Permission Form on Simon
Prep Information Night at Our Lady's
Come along to our Prep Information Night on Wednesday 25th October, 6pm.
Find out about OLHC, how our school is implementing evidence-based practice for excellent student outcomes, and how we offer a range of activities to form the whole child. The evening includes a school tour, an information session with the Principal, question and answer time, and the opportunity to make connections with other families who have enrolled or are considering Our Lady’s for their children in the years to come. Tea, coffee and a light supper provided.
Transition - Forward to Foundation
In the lead-up to the State-wide Orientation Day on Tuesday 12th December, Our Lady’s School invites the kinder children who are already enrolled or who intend to enroll for 2024 to attend transition days. The purpose of transition days is to let the children become familiar with school routines and expectations including- getting to and from school, playing and learning with other children, meeting staff, and becoming familiar with the school buildings and grounds.
Our school day begins at 9.00am. The morning session has a fruit break at 10.00am and concludes at 11.00am. Children then play before eating their morning tea together. The middle session begins at 11.30am and concludes at 1.00pm. Children then play and eat their lunch at 1:30pm. School finishes at 3:15pm.
Transition Dates
- Tuesday, 21st November, 900am - 11.30am
- Tuesday, 28th November, 900am - 11.30am
- Tuesday, 5th December, 900am - 1.45pm
- Tuesday, 12th December, 900am - 3.15pm (State-wide Orientation Day)
What to Bring
- Fruit snack, morning tea, water bottle
- Sun Hat
- Lunch (on 5/12 and 12/12)
The School Uniform Coordinator will display samples of the school uniform on 28th November for parents to view. Forms will be available for those wishing to place orders.
We look forward to meeting you and welcoming your child to the OLHC school community. It is an exciting and important time for families, so we will do our best to ensure both parents and students make the transition smoothly. If you have any questions please ring our friendly staff in the General Office on (03) 5385 2526 or email principal@olhcmurtoa.catholic.edu.au.
Important Upcoming Dates:
- 18th - Fr. Matt visit
- 20th - Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Horsham Town Hall 10.30am
- 23rd - CEP Performance - 'Music in My Suitcase'
- 25th - Prep Information Night 6.00pm
- 27th - National Teachers Day
- 1st - Fr. Matt visit
- 6th - Pupil Free Day - No school for students - Staff PD
- 7th - Melbourne Cup - school closed - public holiday. No school for staff or students.
- 15th - Fr. Matt
- 21st - Kinder Transition Day 9.00am - 11.30am
- 23rd - SAC Meeting 6.30pm
- 28th - Kinder Transition Day 9.00am - 11.30am
- 5th - Kinder Transition Day 9.00am - 1.45pm
- 6th - Fr. Matt visit
- 12th - Statewide Orientation Day 9.00am - 3.15pm
- 14th - Graduation Mass
- 15th - Last Day for students
- 18th - Last Day for Staff
Uniform Reminder
Just a friendly reminder that most students should be wearing summer uniforms. Below are the current uniform guides:
• Blue and White check dress; or Light blue polo shirt, with the school logo and navy shorts/skorts
• Optional Lightweight Cardigan or Lightweight Jumper, with embroidered school logo
• Provided Navy Sun hat with embroidered school logo.
Grey shorts and a light blue polo shirt with the school logo
• Optional Lightweight Jumper, with embroidered school logo
• Provided Navy Sun hat with embroidered school logo.
General Uniform Information
Shoes - Brown, black, or navy sandals (summer) / black lace-up school shoes
or boots.
** SNEAKERS are sports requirements only and can be worn of Health/Physical Education days and when there are other sporting events. ** NOTE: Sandals and shoes with high heels are definitely not recommended for school wear, as they are detrimental to children’s growth.
Socks - Boys: plain grey, dark blue, or black. Girls: plain white or dark blue (or navy tights).
Hats are compulsory during the months of September to May.
Navy blue hats have been supplied for each student and are kept at school. Our Lady’s is a SunSmart school and as such has made a commitment to safeguarding the children’s skin and health. The Sunsmart rule states… “No hat, no play”.
Mass Times & Parish Information
Sunday 15th October, Mass at St. Mary's Church, Murtoa at 8.30am
Calendar Dates
Please click on the link below to take you directly to our School Calendar.